Lok Satta president Jayaprakash Narayan accused Telangana and AP Governments of failing to resolve Power crisis and prevent attacks on women. Stating that poll promises haven’t been fulfilled yet, He pledged to first with the people to teach a fitting lesson to the inefficient and corrupt leaders. “Kabaddar! You can’t cheat people forever,” he warns.
JP dared to comment KCR has to follow the policies of Lok Satta had if he lacks administration skills. He advised CM to set up an Industry in Dichpally of Mahabubnagar to over unemployment of youth in the region.
The Former MLA declares Lok Satta is ready to extend support to the Governments which are concerned about the welfare of people. He also expressed his willingness to join Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Swachh Bharat Campaign.
On the eve of Lok Satta’s 8th anniversary, A meeting has been held in Hyderabad where Jayaprakash Narayana declared Mumbai’s Naren Srivastav as the Party’s new National President in the presence of leaders who came from all over the country. New committees will be announced soon to strengthen the party in Telangana.