Bhuma Akhila Priya, daughter of late Sobha Nagi Reddy, won Allgadda elections unopposed. She became MLA from Allagadda and Election Commission will be making formal announcement soon. Allagadda election was necessitated as Sobha Nagi Reddy, popular politician from Allagadda, representing YSRP passed away due in a car accident just prior to the general elections.
TDP and Congress parties as a mark of respect to the popular leader opted out of the race and YSRCP gave ticket to Shobha Nagireddy’s eldest daughter Bhuma Akhila Priya. Bhuma Akhila Priya sometime back said she misses her mother dearly even more now since stepping into her shoes is difficult not only for any politician but also for her, though she is her daughter. She promised to fulfill her mother’s dreams.