Colors Swathi who bowled all with her cute looks in films is tormented and troubled with rumours on her private life. Though she tried to take it in her stride as it is common in film industry, she lost peace of mind with rumour mongers haunting her.
Swathi in order to get peace of mind, put her thoughts on what she thought about rumours in her facebook page and dedicated to her friends in the industry who always face rumours problems.
Here is Swathi’s poem in her own words.
Some eyes just see your weakness, And their lips spread ugly lies.
They use their large, large wings, They use them to fly fast and high.
That’s when you call out to truth, Your slow poke friend, who is behind. You urge truth not be a shadow, But please come out and shine.
Testing and teasing, Truth takes a while. A schedule it follows, in it’s own sweet time.
Truth is a naughty fellow, it will sneak up from behind, Boy! it’s got it’s timing, And, the timing is wickedly divine.
When you’re reduced to rumors, When it’s their job to hurt your pride, Be like the lotus in a murky pond, Rise above the filth, And keep your identity alive.