The love story of Virat and Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma known to many and according to reports the celebrity couple getting ready to take their relationship to the next level. Rumors of an engagement between Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma is circulating in Bollywood media circles. According to the latest buzz the families of Kohli and Anushka have met recently and have come to a decision to have the two married. According to reports, Virat’s family – including mother Saroj – recently met Anushka at her penthouse for a casual visit.
While Virat and Anushka may be busy with their respective careers, the visit has given birth to speculation that the two may be considering cementing their relationship As per the same reportsthe families have decided to announce a formal engagement of the two soon.In case this media rumor turns out to be true then Team India captain will soon be off of India’s most eligible bachelors list.
Earlier also same type of reports emerged in Bollywood media but Anushka Sharma’s representative has rubbished reports that she is planning to tie the knot with Indian cricketer Virat Kohli. There were reports that BCCI had allowed the 26-year-old actress to stay in the same hotel as Kohli during the tour of England as they were going to tie the knot soon.But Anushka representative has released a statement saying there is no truth to the story.