Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Nara Chandra Babu Naidu is leaving no stone unturned to build “brand” Vijayawada, the new capital of the successor state. Apart from roping in MNCs and other high-profile people to set up investments, Naidu has another Big Plan for Vijayawada.
He is also planning to turn “Pilgrimage” image of world-famous Goddess Kanakadurga temple located on Indrakeeladri hills in Vijayawada for the face-lift of the city. Situated near the banks of Krishna river, the temple is very popular and especially crowds throng during 10-day-long Dasara festival every year. This has caught Naidu’s attention.
According to highly reliable sources in government, now Andhra Pradesh government is going to make Dasara festival as its State Festival and planning to organize Dasara in a grand way every year. The reasons are manifold and going to result many fruits for the state. Close on the heels of Telangana CM KCR vowing to make Yadagiri Gutta as “Tirupati of Telangana”, Naidu has got a shot in the arm in form of renowned Goddess Kanakadurga. Capital city itself having a pilgrim is definitely a rarity and it’s going to be biggest advantage.
Apart from proposal to clean river Krishna, Naidu is also planning to develop the temple in a big way by providing all sufficient needs to the devotees and visitors which in turn add revenue to the state government. This certainly puts Vijayawada on the map as the fastest growing city. Chandra Babu’s master plan is expected to bring good results soon. After all, Goddess Kanakadurga too shower her blessings on people of AP.