India’s 1st Neo-Noir Geopolitical Cyber Heist Thriller?

What are the most known genres that you have come across as audience? Thriller, comedy, action, romance, horror, sci-fi (of course, you hardly see any films of the last category in Tollywood). But have you heard of a film which comes with the tag of being India’s first Neo-Noir Geopolitical Cyber Heist Thriller? 
Well, one film is ready for reckoning. It is titled as ‘Taskara’ and is coming up with the caption mentioned in the headline. To those who are scratching their heads on this, a neo-noir movie is something which is made with a very modern essence but it has a retrospective touch of cinemas that belonged to the 40s to 60s era.
As for Geopolitical it involves international politics which are influenced by geographical reasons. Cyber heist has to do with a robbery that is done through the internet. Given all these factors, this seems to be something very unique so unless the film comes into the theatres we will know the whole mystery.