After becoming the first Chief Minister of Telangana, K Chandrasekhar Rao is also having some ready set of challenges. Among them, the power crisis has been crunching his government. At the same time, water for agriculture and other purposes is also the key. So, here is a great decision taken by KCR for Telangana state.
It is the interlinking and amalgamation of lakes and water bodies. This is a beautiful concept and the mission is to modernize them and fill them. KCR’s target is to fill 9000 lakes in an year which goes to show his vision towards agriculture. If that is done then they can be aligned with the lifts of Krishna and Godavari rivers and this would revive the rural agricultural regions completely.
Farmers who are banking on bores will have a new lease of life. During earlier days, rainwater was directed towards lakes. Now, river water along with rainwater can also be directed. Certain measures need to be taken and at any cost water must not be released for fishes. Arrangements must be made so that kids can learn swimming in these water bodies. We will know the value of lakes when drought occurs. If at least 50000 lakes are filled then it is indeed a great victory for KCR and the Telangana government.