Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee president Ponnala Lakshmaiah and CLP leader K Jana Reddy would be replaced soon, if one were to go by the predictions of Rajya Sabha MP Palwai Govardhan Reddy on Saturday. Speaking to media persons in the Assembly premises, Palwai claimed that AICC President Sonia Gandhi had already made up her mind to replace both the leaders. He said while Jana failed to prevent the exodus of Congress MLAs to other parties, Ponnala had been a failure since his appointment as the PCC Chief.
He said no leadership exists in the Telangana Congress and that was the reasons why legislators and other leaders were joining other parties. He said that the party needs young and energetic leadership to make a comeback. Speaking about Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, Palwai said that KCR has been trying to take credit for the schemes originally launched by the Congress government. For instance, he said that the Nakkalgutta project in Nalgonda district was initiated during Congress regime.
Similarly, it was the Congress Government which approached the BHEL to set up power projects. However, KCR is taking full advantage of Congress party’s failure to properly highlight its achievements and strengthening himself. Describing KCR as a failed CM, he said instead of working for public welfare, he was busy strengthening himself.