One may wonder how Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister and TDP boss Chandrababu Naidu is still carrying work on his shoulders even at this age when he is 65. Recently with the announcement over Hudhud disaster, Naidu mentioned he would be stay put at Vishakapatnam. And given the magnitude of destruction, there was some worry over how Babu could be managing his party affairs.
Sources say that Chandrababu has delegated the responsibility of Heritage from Lokesh to Lokesh’s wife Brahmani and his wife Bhuvaneshwari. And at the same time now nearly 40 percent of Chandrababu’s workload is being handled by Lokesh. Lokesh is reportedly taking care of the needs of most of the leaders in AP and TS and is also the pointsman now.
This is given reports that Babu’s health is also not that fine and for the first time he is taking medicines for stress. Therefore, Babu has offloaded most of the work to Lokesh who consults Babu before final decisions.