Tollywood is abuzz with ‘sensational’ news since morning. “Producer Bandla Ganesh is absconding as Banjara Hills police want to arrest him”, is the news. It is already known that Guntur based distributor Dharmacharan Tulasi lodged complaint on Ganesh for threatening with death as he demanded for return of 80 lakhs given to the producer way back in 2011.
Two questions are lingering the minds of cine lovers since this news spread like wildfire. How come a top notch producer like Ganesh who produced films like Gabbar Singh, Baadshah and Govindudu Andarivadele in a row with more than 35+ crores budget will avoid paying 80 lakhs due? Another question is that, 80 lakhs is not a big deal for Ganesh and why would he abscond for such a small amount? Can’t he get a bail within hours even though he is arrested by police?
Why would a big-shot producer absconds to evade arrest that too exactly a day before the release of his latest movie Govindudu Andarivadele. Known for his political connections and backing, can’t Ganesh set the whole issue out of courts and outside law? These questions are just tip of an iceberg.