A former model in Mumbai reportedly committed suicide in her flat in Versova. 26-yr-old Archana Pandey’s body was found lying from the ceiling fan in her bedroom on Monday after her neighbours smelt foul odour emanating from her flat, said police officials. Cops did find a “suicide” note by Archana in which she held her boyfriend Omar Pathan liable for her suicide.
Archana had quit modeling and was working as a financial consultant in a production house. In the suicide note, Archana blamed Omar Pathan for her suicide and said that he was “ill-treating” her.
Archana had been living alone in the 12th floor of Shubham Karoti building at New Mahada colony in Versova. Though she had committed suicide sometime back, no one had clue on her death. Only after bad smell emanating from her flat, neighbours rang her door bell but in vain. Then they informed police about it. By the time, police found her body, it was highly decomposed and police sent it to post-mortem. Cops are probing the issue, checking her mobile phone contents, call records and smses. Cops are also contemplating to book a case against her boyfriend on the charges of abutment of suicide.