‘Darsakendrudu’ K Raghavendra Rao has handful of his assistants who became quite ‘successful’ as directors in Tollywood. From YVS Chowdary to SS Rajamouli, many biggies got trained under movie making ‘master’ KRR and then went on creating their own path to impress Tollywood. Has anyone crossed this ‘guru’ in terms of popularity, skill set and decision making power?
If we have to go by composer Keeravani who got associated with K Raghavendra Rao from last 26 years, ‘none’ of the students were really able to ‘cross’ Raghavendra Rao. “Decision making abilities, prioritizing needful things and comforting other technicians is what KRR is best at. YVS and Rajamouli falls way behind when it comes to it”, stresses Keeravani.
“YVS Chowdary is always hell-bent on something he thinks about. He’s never interested in alternates and slight changes. This attitude led him to less success rate compared to Guru”, he says, pointing out that Raghavendra Rao is not worried when a ‘small’ thing in a movie or song’s music goes wrong.
Further, Keeravani didn’t spare his own brother Rajamouli, who is hailed in Tollywood as master of perfection and creativity. “Rajamouli seeks loads of perfection and that’s the reason for his movie taking long time. But KRR used to finish everything on time, saving time of other technicians”, he adds. “Both YVS and Rajamouli drag behind ‘guru’ Raghavendra Rao in these aspects”, Keeravani concluded.