Megastar Chiranjeevi reportedly turned emotional and even cried after watching his son Ram Charan’s upcoming film Govindudu Andari Vadele. Director Krishna Vamsi himself confirmed the news.
Recently, Vamsi has shown the “final cut” of Govindudu Andari Vadele to Chiranjeevi garu and Surekha garu after the completion of shooting part. Even before adding background score and without actual re-recording, Chiranjeevi and Surekha were said to be impressed with the film. Towards the end of the film, both Chiru and Surekha’s had teary eyes. Especially the family relationships, bindings have moved Charan’s parents. Surekha was said to be floored with Charan’s acting performance. Prakash Raj and Jayasudha are highlight of the film and Srikanth, Kamilini too played their parts well. Kajal’s glam quotient is expected to sizzle youth audiences.
Produced by Bandla Ganesh, the post-production works are going on briskly. The movie is due for release on October 1. With Aagadu dashed the hopes of movie lovers, many are expecting GAV as the movie to watch out for this Dasara.