Not long ago, news of Hari Priya being cast alongside Sudeep in the Kannada remake of Telugu blockbuster Attarintiki Daredi was all over the place. Buzz had it that Hari Priya would reprise the role of Pranitha Subash in the film and producer had already paid a whopping amount as advance. Things swiftly changed and she was replaced from project “Ranna”.
With this, Hari Priya is not willing to return the advance amount to producer. Angry producer now took up the matter to Kannada Producer’s Council. Hari Priya is known for roles in films like Pilla Jamindar, and Abbayi Class Ammayi Mass in Telugu. Meanwhile, Rachita Ram is essaying the role originally played by Samantha. Let’s see whether Hari Priya will bow down to the pressure or not.