Top Director, Writer Caught by Police


An ace director and his trusted-writer were caught in inebriated condition by Jubilee Hills police on Friday night. While the writer was driving the car, the director was sitting in the seat next to driver’s seat.

As part of the regular checkup against drunk and drive in the weekends, police got hold of the duo. After examining, cops confirmed that the BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) was higher than the normal level. Their car was seized and they were asked to leave in another vehicle. The writer, who was driving the vehicle, was asked to attend before the court on Monday. This is not the first time that the writer was caught in drunk and drive. Earlier he was caught alongside a star hero and a comedian. The director is known for being in news for wrong reasons. He recently courted a controversy and he is facing several cases due to his “offensive” comments. He is also said to be in debts.