October 23rd is declared as the possible release of Shankar’s creative magnum opus ‘I’. The film will hit Telugu screens too, with same title and on same day. Vikram’s ferocious looks in the trailer along with grandeur imparted by huge production values has garnered terrific attention for ‘I’ all over. And here comes an interesting part.
Looking at the trailer, gossip mills are churning out the story of the flick. Some say that Vikram is a ‘manoharudu’, a handsome hunk who falls in love with his relative, an aspiring model, played by Amy Jackson. Knowing their relation, a hot shot producer who lusts for Amy then infests a virus into Vikram, making him turn like a hulk. If this is one story doing rounds, another version has it that Vikram is playing both hero and villain in the movie. Whatever it maybe, real twist in Shankar’s ‘I’ is going to be haunting for sure.