It was nothing short of a festival for the Nandamuri fans when the film ‘Legend’ arrived. The powerful performance of Nandamuri Balakrishna was an adrenaline rush to the audience and true to that, the film became a big hit at the box office. Now, ‘Legend’ has achieved another milestone.
The film has successfully completed 175 days of running and on that eve, the makers have released a thank you poster. The film is directed by Boyapati Sreenu and produced by the famous 14 Reels Entertainment banner. Balayya did a double role which gave the required treat to his fans.
At a time when films are finding it hard to run for even two weeks, ‘Legend’ completing 175 days is a big achievement. Currently, Balayya is busy with another movie tentatively titled as ‘Godse’ and the ‘Legend’ effect will sure come handy when it is ready for release.