Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Janasena’ launch, his support to the TDP and the BJP has widened the gap between mega brothers. And the mega brothers have reportedly not been in talking terms for the past few months. Although Pawan Kalyan went against Chiranjeevi in politics, never ever had he tried to criticize Chiranjeevi. Besides, the political parties who were supported by Pawan Kalyan( TDP and BJP), have also not criticized Chiranjeevi much during the general elections.
Looks like the reunion of mega brothers has taken place, according to the latest developments. During his birthday interviews,Chiranjeevi said Pawan Kalyan was like a child for him and politics cannot separate them. It is a known news that mega fans meet was held in Tirupathi recently. Some of the Pawan Kalyan’s fans reportedly criticized Chiranjeevi‘ then. Aftermath, Pawan Kalyan reportedly called on those fans and waned them not doing so. Having gone through these developments, every mega fan would have felt happy. However, the political stand of Pawan Kalyan still troubles chiranjeevi. It remains to be seen how well all the issues will be solved in future.