The hottest and latest topic making waves in the Telugu lands is the new capital of residuary Andhra Pradesh state. Vijayawada has been declared as the chosen one by Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu. As expected, strong resistance and retaliation is coming from different corners on why Vijayawada has been taken.
But it looks like there are few good reasons behind this decision and even hero Tarun feels the same. Well, he has not come in the front and vouched for the city but got to share the essence and greatness of Vijayawada through one of his films ‘Sasirekha Parinayam’.
This particular scene has gone viral suddenly and many who feel Vijayawada is the right place for a capital are circulating it big time. Okay, so if you have any doubts on Naidu’s decision then listen to what Tarun has to say .