Although, Pawan, NTR and Ram Charan pocket their remunerations, but superstar Mahesh babu likes to share his earnings with his siblings in most of his movies. According to a source, if a producer, approaches Dhookudu star for dates and starts discussing about his remuneration, which has touched 18 crore recently, but he reportedly inform that ‘his dates’ are with his brother and producer Ramesh Babu or his sister and producer Manjula, but if producer, wants those specified dates, the producer has to take them by giving 2 to 3 crore, either to Ramesh or Manjula, depending on the turn of their dates.
Kudos to mahesh, since his love for his siblings is strong and helpful and likes to share his earnings with them, as much as possible. In these days, when earning brothers are ignoring their siblings, Mahesh is stand out as a example, how a rich and earning bro should be like. He is turly ‘okkadu” (unique) even offscreen, we agree?