Silencing all the rumors, Legend beauty Radhika Apte is back to play the much coveted second heroine role in Nandamuri Nata Simham’s latest flick. After considering the likes of Praneetha, Taapsee and Kriti Kharbanda, the makers have finally decided to cast Balayya’s ‘Mena Kodalu’ yet again consecutively.
Touted to be a high-end investigation drama that revolves around political scamsters, Satyadeva’s ‘Godse’ will see Balakrishna playing the role of a honest CBI officer. By paying around 1.25 cr as remuneration, already Chennai siren Trisha was roped for the lead lady’s role. However the makers are on a massive search for a second heroine, whose crucial role appears on screen in second half during flash back episodes.
With all available options either demanding hefty price or showing tantrums, Balayya has thought that bringing Radhika Apte would be a good gesture, provided with their recent track record. In blockbuster ‘Legend’, she played the role of Balayya’s elder nephew who runs after his ‘maavayya’ for love. So, the Legend beauty is on board!