India’s most highly talented and highly successful director Shankar is coming up with the new movie of ‘ai’ in Tamil titled as ‘Manoharudu’ in Telugu with Vikram, Amy Jackson in leads. With a budget of over 100 Crores and music supplied by AR Rahman, the film is all set to release by end of this year or early next year. However, here comes interesting update on audio release of ‘ai.’
As per the reports, makers are planning the grand audio launch function either in Hyderabad or in Chennai amidst the presence of world’s top action stars Jackie Chan and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yes, both of them are to attend the audio function as Chief Guests and the tentative date is September 15. Like every movie of Shankar, even this one has mind blowing technical crew with lots of visual effects. Astonishing point is, Shankar started the project with a mere budget of Rs.40 Crores has raised it in the process to Rs.100+ Crores without compromising on quality.