Uday Kiran Death Mystery Found Out


On January 5th this year, a popular star that was once a powerful spark in the sky has disappeared permanently. Tollywood had woke up to the bitter truth that hero Uday Kiran has committed suicide at his flat in Srinagar Colony. Amongst accusations and advices, finally he is laid to rest the next day after a postmortem. However there is mystery surrounding his death as media exposed so many unsolved clues.

Finally, the much awaited forensic report of Uday’s autopsy has arrived, putting all the speculations to permanent rest. Experts revealed that Uday Kiran lost his life due to difficulty in breathing, which is more likely due to choking caused by fastening of a thread around his neck. Also it is mentioned that Uday consumed alcohol before committing suicide. Police have registered as a case of suspected death then, but hasn’t filed any charge sheet as forensic report is pending. However the report has now proved that Uday has committed suicide and there is no foul play.