In a dramatic twist in the retrial of Bollywood actor Salman Khan’s hit-and-run case, his driver Ashok Singh on Monday told a court that it was he who drove the killer vehicle, a lawyer said.
Driver Ashok Singh said he was driving the vehicle when the accident took place, leaving a homeless man dead, public prosecutor Pradeep Gharat told the media here.
Gharat pointed out that the only person who appeared to agree with Ashok Singh’s version was Salman.
“I have not seen any complaint or any record about Ashok Singh (being the driver) and no other witnesses have spoken about him,” he added.
The driver told Additional Sessions Judge D.W. Deshpande that he was at the wheel when its tyre burst and he lost control, resulting in an accident that killed a pavement dweller.
Four others were injured in the accident on September 28, 2002 outside American Express Bakery, close to the actor’s sea-front house in Galaxy Apartments at Bandra.
Salman is facing re-trial in the case in the Mumbai Sessions Court with several charges, including culpable homicide not amounting to murder which stipulates a 10-year jail term.
The actor was arrested soon after the accident and the case was tried before a Bandra Magistrate’s court for rash and negligent driving, attracting a two-year jail sentence.
Later, enhanced charges were slapped on the actor and the matter was transferred to the sessions court.
In a statement recorded under Criminal Procedure Code Section 313 on Friday, Salman said he was not drunk, not driving the SUV and did not flee from the scene of the accident.