Post the meet with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Jagan’s looks more confident about his works and steps taken. Now Jagan started his movement against the Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao for imposing taxes on Andhra Pradesh vehicles that enter the Telangana State from this April 1st.
It seems KCR has already passed orders about this and this could result in hike in the tariffs. Jagan said “Inspite of Bifurcation, We speak the same language and live like a family. Decisions taken by Governments shouldn’t be an burden to Telugu people. I will be appealing KCR to consider his decision of levying a entry tax on vehicles.”
As the Hyderabad city remains to be the joint capital for another nine years, the Andhra Pradesh government requested to not impose these taxes. But all these pleas were just unheard by CM KCR and they might be implementing surely from tomorrow. In response to this, the private buses have halted their bus trips to Telangana.