“Jagan met the CM only to seek relief in the ongoing CBI investigation against him and to protect his various assets being seized by the Enforcement Directorate,” said CM Ramesh. In fact, this is the standard statement of the TDP against YSRCP whenever the latter meet the PM.
On the contrary, whenever Chandrababu meets the PM, it is only to fight for funds for an embattled AP. So, the TDP is fighting for AP whereas Jagan is making the trips for his personal motives. Is it wrong for the leader of the Opposition to meet the PM and express his concerns over the irregularities in the functioning of the ruling Party?
A proven defaulter like Sujana Chowdary can be Union Minister, but the opposition leader should not meet the PM because he has cases pending against him. Strange logic this, by CM Ramesh. “Will the PM order the cases to be scrapped against Jagan because the latter met him? it is the TDP that is scared because their dishonest is being brought to the notice of the PM,” said Roja.