Telangana Rashtra Samithi president and Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao is said to be struggling to find a suitable journalist to head his proposed English daily β Telangana Today. Though it is nearly a month since the Team KCR had applied for the registration of the title, there is no progress in the formation of editorial team for the daily.
He is learnt to have contacted a few senior journalists, including those from Deccan Chronicle and The Hindu, but they are said to be reluctant to take the job, knowing fully well the style of functioning of KCR. βIt is extremely difficult to work under KCR leadership.
Having worked independently with a lot of freedom for writing on any political issue, we cannot completely align ourselves with the TRS and KCR. And everybody knows how he treats the journalists working for him; we have a live example in the form of Namasthe Telangana, where scribes have no freedom at all,β a senior journalist who was reportedly contacted by the KCR team, has observed.
And not just editorial head, the TRS chief is not able to find even the other team members. Since there is a serious shortage of good English journalists in Telangana, he might have to depend once again on Andhra journalists, but it is not known how many of them would be willing to work for KCR, say sources.