To date, the governor has not expressed any opinion on the T-government’s tax on vehicles entering Telangana from Andhra Pradesh. In fact, as the Governor, he seems to be slightly inclined towards Telangana and there is hardly an instance where he has interfered in his official capacity and tried to talk sense into any dispute or issue.
He only seems to be making use of his position to have ‘darshan’ at all leading temples in AP and Telangana instead of addressing serious issues. When questioned about the tax, he said he was unaware of it and needed to look into the concerned legislation.
When even the Telangana transport industry is against taxing vehicles from AP as it might result in a tit-for-tat, and have gone on an agitation, how can the Governor just be a mute spectator to proceedings? Does he not have the guts or sense of fair play to pull up the T-Ministers or KCR for their regressive policies? The trick seems to be to survive in office until the tenure is over! After that, it is the headache of someone else.