Latest in news in the South Indian film world is that there is a war going on for the remake rights of Krishna Vamsi’s latest flick with Nani, ‘Paisa’ in Tollywood right now. If the rumours are to be believed, legendary actress Sridevi who has been known to buy films for her husband and friends in Bollywood is bent on buying the rights of ‘Paisa’ for her husband, Boney Kapoor. Boney want to remake the film in Hindi for none other than his young actor son Arjun Kapoor.
On the other hand is actor Shahid Kappor who is another competitor for the film rights. Shahid wants to produce the film himself and start a production house of his own as the trends seem to dictate in Bollywood these days. It however remains to be seen which party comes down harder on this issue of buying rights to this political satire film based on the theme of money laundering.