Talking to reporters here on Sunday, ysrcp leader Jupudi Prabhakara Rao said that Jagan might get bail on Monday as he has been languishing in prison for the last 11 months. He said in most of the cases, an accused gets bail after a maximum of 90 days. However, he said that Jagan’s release on bail has been delayed due to several factors.
Prabhakara Rao also claimed that the ysrcp would be epicentre of State politics after Jagan’s release on bail on Monday. He predicted that several leaders from different parties would join the ysrcp after Jagan’s release. He also slammed Telugu Desam Party president N Chandrababu Naidu for criticising those who are joining the ysrcp. He was referring to the entry of Dadi Veerabhadra Rao into the ysrcp.