Much before the release of ‘Pasia’ starring Nani, Catherine Tresa in the direction of Krishna Vamsi, it looks like Bollywood is showing immense interest in bagging the remake rights. A well known truth is that, hard hitting concept and message oriented flicks of Krishna Vamsi flavor are not suited to Bollywood audience yet KV promised Sreedevi and Boney Kapoor to wait and see for the release of ‘paisa.’
Boney and Sreedevi keep a constant eye on top Telugu films and scripts. As they were impressed by the story of ‘paisa,’ they approached KV. In crisp, story deals with an unemployed youngster running into troubles unknowingly carrying the huge bounty of a young politician where in that money is meant to be used for coming elections. On the other side, Shahid Kapoor has also sent his friend cum director Rafi to speak with KV about ‘paisa.’