Stylish star Allu Arjun is quite popular in Kerela and has strong fan following in Mollywood. His previous films like ‘Aarya’, ‘Aarya 2’ ‘Julayi’ have been dubbed in Malayalam and are big hits there. Now keeping his craze in mind his latest flick ‘Iddaramayilatho’ too is getting ready in the Malayalam version. The movie will be hitting theaters simultaneously with the Telugu version and is labeled as ‘Romeo & Juliet’.
Catherine Tresa and Amala Paul are the female leads. Puri Jagannadh who earlier delivered a super hit to Bunny in the form of Desamudhuru is the director of this film.. The film is being produced by Bandla Ganesh under Parameswara Arts banner. Devi Sri Prasad is the music composer. Let’s hope Allu Arjun will continue the magic in Mollywood.