Hamsa Nandini started her career with ‘Anumanaspadam’ but the movie failed at box office. Then on, the leading lady made few special appearances and item songs in few hit movies. She sparkled in Rajamouli’s ‘Eega’ and then in Prabhas ‘Mirchi’. After a very long time Hamsa is doing a full-fledged role in Gunasekhar’s ‘Rudramadevi’. She will be seen as ‘Princess Madhanika’, who is a spy and she seems super excited about this project.
“I am going to start my sword fighting and horse riding lessons soon. I play a spy (as Princess Madhanika) in the ‘Rudramadevi’ and have a lot of action sequences, so I’m looking to get into the best possible shape by the time I start shooting in June,” shared Hamsa Nandini. She is also doing an item song Nagarjuna’s ‘Bhai’.