Nandamuri Balakrishna always used to entertain movie lovers and fans with two to three films every year. But after his last Srimannarayana, Balayya did not sign a single project and he did not show interest in starting a new project. Many film makers and even fans started finding out reasons for Balakrishna’s acts.
All the time media used to be abuzz with reports that he is about to sign a film with this or that director but nothing materialised. But all those remained just rumors. Now many are talking about Ruler under Boyapati Srinu direction but till now nothing came out and so one gets a feeling that even this project may go for a toss.
Many say that the gap is due to Balakrishna tasting flops and going by the current trend, even Balakrishna wants to focus more on politics and Basavatarakam cancer hospital. It is a strategic decision by Simha.