The gloom over the death of an NTR fan in the audio function is not yet cleared. Citing security reasons, Hyderabad Police have refused permission for the event. The film makers of ‘Greeku Veerudu’ starring Nag have planned audio launch on 22nd March and also made all the arrangements. Though Nag is having high contacts with the government still he could not get permission from the police. So, the makers have postponed the event to 30th of this month to think about the alternatives.
Nagarjuna will be seen as an NRI who comes to India for the first time. Nayantara is pairing up with Nagarjuna in this movie. Second time after Boss. Dasarath is directing Greeku Veerudu and D Sivaprasad Reddy is producing the film on Kamakshi Kala Movies banner. Thaman is composing the music.