Our readers are aware that Super hit Tamil movie directed by Linguswamy, is being remade into Telugu. Sunil has been chosen for Madhavan’s role, while Naga Chaitanya will be reprising Arya’s role. The movie shooting is progressing at brisk pace. Only the climax and a song of the movie are to be canned. The shooting of the climax began today in Vishakapatnam. Most part of the movie was shot in Andhra Pradesh and the movie team had recently shot two songs – One in Bangkok and the other in Pollachi.
Chinnodu-Peddhodu is reportedly the title in consideration. Konchem Ishtam Konchem Kashtam fame Dolly is directing this film. Andrea Jeremiah and Tamannah will romance Sunil and Naga Chaitanya in the movie. Bellamkonda Suresh is producing it under Sri Sai Ganesh Productions banner. Thaman is scoring tunes for the movie.