Fans of Nandamuri Balakrishna had erected a 45 feet Cutout for the actor at Shilpa Kala Vedhika. This is first of its kind massive cutout for any Telugu movie or hero at this venue where the audio function of the movie will be taking place this evening. Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister and TDP Supremo Chandrababu Naidu is gracing the event as the Chief Guest.
Several bigwigs of Andhra Pradesh government and Telugu Desam Party will also attend this event. It is said that the makers have erected a 35 Lakh worth 3D set for the audio function, a first its kind for any Telugu movie. Lion is being planned for April 30th release, the day on which Legend released last year. Lion comes after the super success of Legend and Balakrishna making political entry. The actor is to be appreciated for effectively balancing time between films and politics.
Trisha is romancing Balayya for the first time in this movie. Radhika Apte is playing the second heroine. A new comer Satyadeva is wielding megaphone for this project. Rudrapati Ramana Rao is producing the film under his SLV Cinema banner. Mani Sharma who gave several chart buster audios to Balayya in the past is composing the music for this film.