Sudheer Varma of course is in good books of Nagarjuna who said on stage that he is going to do a movie with the director very soon. This confirmation came during the audio launch event of Naga Chaitanya’s ‘Dohchay’ while Nag was speaking. The presence of top director Rajamouli who has been encouraging new talent like Sudheer Varma and Chandu Mondeti shows the kind of image the director has garnered for himself with just one film.
But it was Posani Krishna Murali who heaped praises on the director for his style of film making. Posani put him among the lineage of directors like Raghavendra Rao, Dasari Narayana Rao and Rajamouli and said that Sudheer Varma would soon be among the top 3 directors in TFI. He seemed to be in awe of the director’s vision of film making.
While speaking about Sudheer Varma at the audio launch event, Posani particularly addressed Nagarjuna and spoke high of the film maker. He quoted his film making experience, his experience as writer and actor and how different it had been working with the young director of ‘Swamy Ra Ra’ fame. ‘Dohchay’ is soon going for theatrical release after garnering good buzz with the comic teasers and trailers.