The script for Nandamuri Balakrishna’s 99th film – Dictator is being readied from a long time. The project will go on floors after Balayya wraps up Lion shooting. Already five writers – Kona Venkat, Gopimohan, BVS Ravi, Sridhar Seepana and Srivas (director himself) are working on the script and now they are joined by Anil Ravipudi.
Anil recently made his directional debut with Kalyanram’s Pataas which is a blockbuster. The movie unit hopes this addition will bring in a lot of value for the project. This is the 99th film of Balakrishna’s career. Rumours are rife that Dictator is the title in consideration. Srivas who garnered a super success with Loukyam will be wielding megaphone for this project.
Famous writers duo – Kona Venkat and Gopimohan will be working for the first time with Balayya. Eros International will be producing this film which is expected to go on floors after Lion releases. Nayantara, Anjali and Hansika are in consideration to be the heroines. More details of the project are awaited.