All these days, Janasena President and Tollywood’s dashing star Pawan Kalyan has been battling alone. He is adamant when it comes to the ‘injustice’ being meted to some farmers while pooling land for building Andhra Pradesh’s capital. Declaring his readiness, Pawan confirmed that he will take up a rigorous protest if Chandrababu led AP government doesn’t go back on Land Pooling, especially amassing lands forcibly.
The other day, highly respected social activist Anna Hazare has written a letter to Andhra Pradesh CM condemning the land pooling that is happening for state’s new capital. Anna criticised Naidu for grabbing land from farmers by scaring them, like Pawan said earlier. He mentioned that some activists revealed to him about the forceful land grabbing and asked Naidu to reconsider his decisions. Raising concerns about food security, as Coastal Andhra happens to be a granary of south India, Anna demanded AP CM to construct capital in non-agriculture lands rather grabbing these cultivable lands. All these points are already mentioned by Pawan Kalyan in his previous visit to Tullur and other villages in Guntur. Seems like Pawan found a supporter in Anna Hazare for sure.
Though media is not going sensational about this letter, we hear that TDP and BJP combine have taken these happenings seriously. In the future if Anna Hazare and Pawan Kalyan makes a joint appearance, then Pawan’s Janasena might outshine all others at poll booths like what AAP and Arvind Kejriwal has done to BJP in Delhi. On the other hand, if an ally like Pawan raises voice against land pooling and that’s supposed by Hazare, then oppositions leaders like Jagan might take plunge dive into scene to turn cards against Naidu and co.