Puri Jagannadh and Charmi’s upcoming offering, Jyothi Lakshmi shooting is all set to be wrapped up tomorrow. The shooting began on March 8th and is completing in record time due to perfect planning of Puri Jagannadh and commitment of the other unit members.
Puri is planning to wrap up the post production formalities very soon and release the movie in May. Puri has not revealed that if the movie has some reference to yesteryear glamdoll, Jyothi Lakshmi. However the rumours suggest that it is the story of a small time heroine who struggles in film industry.
It is about the perspectives of various people who think low about girls working in film industries. Puri Jagan has hired a simple team for this low-budgeted flick. The film gives huge chance for struggling music director Sunil Kashyap and cinematographer PG Vinda.
Charmi herself is turn as a presenter for this film. Charmi who almost is out of focus for several years had pinned high hopes on this film to make a comeback.