If the buzz from film sources is to be believed, Superstar Mahesh Babu and his dear wife Namrata are going to launch a new production house very soon. This production house will be named after their son Gautham, says the buzz.
Apart from Padmalaya Studios banner there is Indira Productions headed by Manjula and Krishna Productions launched by Ramesh Babu from the Ghattamaneni family. Now Mahesh is all set to launch a new one on his son’s name as per speculations.
It would be interesting to see if Mahesh produces movies with other heroes on his banner or not. Most of the Bollywood superstars have launched own production houses and have been producing films with newcomers. Mahesh is always game for experimental flicks, but being a superstar he couldn’t attempt few novel ideas.
We can expect a new wave of movies from Mahesh Babu’s own banner going by the liking he has in contemporary cinema. As per the grapevine we can expect the official announcement from Mahesh on either his dad Krishna’s birthday or his son Gautham’s birthday.