Mega Fans recently celebrated the 25th anniversary of Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Jagadheka Veerudu Athiloka Sundari. The movie is treated as a classic and it is also the first 10 Crore film in Telugu. Along with the fans, Chiranjeevi, director Raghavendra Rao and Producer Aswini Dutt also met on May 9th and celebrated the eve.
On this occasion, they reportedly also decided that they should digitally restore and master the film and re-release again. Aswini Dutt’s daughter, Swapna is expected to supervise the digital makeover work which will approximately take 2 years to complete.
Jagadheka Veerudu Athiloka Sundari when released on May 9th, 1990, the state was hit by a severe cyclone. The movie initially carried negative talk and critics lashed the film as ‘Gathileni Veerudu Mathileni Sundari’. But the film created history in terms of collections and treated as a classic today.