Actor Nandamuri Balakrishna had a sleepless night on Wednesday (May 13), a day before the release of his latest offing Lion. According to the inside sources, the actor was in Vijayawada and had travelled all the way to Hyderabad as he wants to promote his just released Lion.
“Balayya had sleepless night. He spent a lot of time in travelling and looked strained a bit. But he’s not worried about his sleep. He was more excited about the release of his 98th film Lion. He was as excited as if it was his first film,” said the source. He added that Balayya came to his house, took bath and offered prayers to God before leaving to a theatre in Hyderabad where the premiere show was being screened.
As soon as Balayya entered the theatre, crowds were seen welcoming their favourite matinee idol with cheers, whistles. Slogans like “CM Balayya” and “Jai Balayya…Jai Jai Balayya” from fans were deafening. Balayya greeted the crowd in his trademark style and left the theatre without disturbing the crowd further. Considering that this is Balakrishna’s 98th film and first film after taking reigns as public representative (MLA) of Hindupur, huge hype has surrounded the film.