Few days ago, media sources were abuzz that the Bhumi Pooja for the upcoming capital of Andhra Pradesh will take place on 6th June. However it is now said that the date is not finalized. According to sources, Pandits are divided on fixing a muhurtham for this mega event of the state. They say June 5th, 6th and 8th are the favourable days for the Bhumi Pooja according to different Pandits.
Andhra Pradesh cabinet on Wednesday failed to arrive at a conclusion regarding the date and the agenda is posted to the next meeting. It is said that Chandrababu Naidu do not want to hurry up things in this crucial issue as it will be a game changing moment in the history of the state. Howefer the event for sure will take place in one of these three days.
The Singapore experts team preparing the Master Plan of Amaravathi will be submitting it on the last week of this month. However the Seed Capital Plan will be submitted only in Mid-June. The Bhumi Puja will be performed first and then the state will float global tenders for the Master developer. The construction of the capital is likely to begin from Dussehra.