Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Dictator was launched on Friday in Ramanaidu Studios. For the first time, famous writers duo – Kona Venkat and Gopimohan are working for a film of Balakrishna. Both the writers are known for their quirky, comedy and punch dialogues. However they seem to have changed their way for Dictator to suit Balayya’s image.
For the first time, they have attempted mass dialogues for Balakrishna. The actor said this dialogue for the opening shot, “Pranam teese bhayam kanna, pranam pose aayudham minna, aa weapone nenu. Dhaani pere dictator”. As many as five writers have working on this film script. The regular shooting of the movie will begin from the first week of June and they are aiming at a possible Sankranthi release.
Srivas who garnered a super success with Loukyam will be wielding megaphone for this project. The script is said to be based on Mafia backdrop. Eros International will be producing this film. Anjali will be romancing Balayya for the first time. Other heroine of the project is yet to be finalized. Srivas himself is also co-producing the project.