In a huge shock to the TDP party, prominent BC leader, LB Nagar MLA and the party’s CM candidate from the Telangana region in the last year’s assembly elections, R Krishnaiah, was absent for the just concluded annual three day Mahanadu conclave on the outskirts of Hyderabad, making his absence add fuel to his much rumored exit from the party.
While all the leaders from the Rangareddy district attended Mahanadu, Krishnaiah continues to dodge himself from the party’s most celebrated annual event. It is well known that Krishnaiah has been distancing himself from the party’s activities soon after he became the MLA. It is well known Krishnaish has not been in cordial terms with Babu for not supporting the BC bill in the parliament.
Earlier this month, Krishnaiah called for a ‘Chalo Parliament’ movement to realize the fifty per cent reservations for BCs and demanded the centre to pass the bill immediately. While krishnaiah’s silence still casts suspense over his future plans, political analysts are opining that he may join the TRS party in the future.