Amidst the shocking arrest of the T-TDP leader Revanth Reddy, the Anti Corruption bureau is all set to serve notices to the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu for his involvement in the case. However, this will be done only after interrogating Revanth Reddy and the other accused in this case.
Even though the ACB has the evidence of the telephone conversation of Chandrababu and the nominated MLA Stephenson, it is trying to boost up he evidence and with a perfect plan to attack Chandrababu.
According to a leading daily, ACB has sorted out that Rs 50 lakhs was given to Stephenson out of Rs 2.5 crores drawn by an unknown person from a bank near NTR Trust Bhavan.
The ACB is now trying to trace the unknown person and the other MLAs who were bribed. ACB claimed that tedious interrogation can bring out some shocking truths. Digging it another way, ACB has collected an evidence regarding the “boss” in the video footage and in Revanth’s recent interview he said that Chandrababu is his boss. So, what do you think?