Ace Producer Dil Raju will have a sleepless night today. His latest film, Kerintha is releasing tomorrow Worldwide. Dil Raju is sitting on Kerintha script for several years and finally made it. During the film, he even made some major reshoots which cost him more.
Besides the film production, he entered in to a spat with media forming a separate faction denying advertisement to some media. So they will be up with arms tomorrow. To counter them, Dil Raju spent a bomb on the movie promotion through other means like prerelease tours. Indeed he spent more on the movie promotions than the movie making.
On the other side, there are rumours that Dil Raju is in a financial tangle for a long time and this movie success is extremely important for him to survive. After Kerintha, Dil Raju has Subrahmanyam for Sale starring Sai Dharam Tej.