It was more or less Telangana which has been giving nightmares for TDP chief and currently AP CM Chandrababu Naidu for the last eight to nine years. His first jolt was in 2005 when Devender Goud, Kadiam Srihari and others met separately in Yadagirigutta which sparked a mini revolt within one year of losing power.
It was this issue which made TDP an accused in AP by giving a letter in favour of Telangana just to please TRS for an alliance. However, Naidu has successfully managed to put the blame on Jagan for bifurcation, which Jagan is trying hard to prove even as his alliance with KCR is once again in limelight.
All said and done, TDP leaders from AP are now reportedly demanding openly from Naidu that apart from shifting to Vijayawada, he should gear up most of his efforts to develop AP. They are convincing Naidu that rather than shout from rooftops in Hyderabad that TDP will gain power in TS in 2019, he can show AP development model.
The recent Revanth episode is a shot in the arm for all the leaders who now have evidence to show that Babu is not doing well in TS and before losing goodwill in AP to Jagan, he should be prepared. They feel that with his two- eyed theory, if not in 2014, he may definitely lose in 2019 in both states.